- committed to the Doctrines of Grace
Miscellaneous Good Reading...
- Why Read the Puritans? A good article (off-site)
- Machen's Warrior Children by John Frame. (off-site)
- Is God Less Glorious Because He Ordained that Evil Be? Jonathan Edwards on the Decrees of God. (off-site)
- One Year Bible Reading Plan with ESV. (off-site)
- Translating and Translations A brief article on translating the Bible.
- The Inerrancy of Scripture A good discussion of the doctrine of inerrancy.
- Pleasing God in Our Worship by Dr. Robert Godfrey (off-site).
- Martin Luther on Translations
- Making Shipwreck of the Faith An article exploring the concept of Evangelicals and Catholics Together (off-site).
- Roman Numeral helps.
- How to Study the Scriptures An excellent summary of important points to help in Bible study.
- 10 Reasons to believe in Biblical Creationism.
- Puritan Interpretations How did the Puritans interpret Scripture? J.I. Packer offers some observations.
- Freemasonry An OPC position paper on Freemasonry (off-site) .
- The Reformed Pastor by Richard Baxter. A must-read book for laity and clergy (off-site).
- Song of Songs Notes from the original Geneva Bible.
- Adam's Fall and Free-Will by RL Dabney (off-site).
- Thoughts on Bible Translations by R. Scott Clark
- John Owen on worship in catechism form.
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